Artist Statement
Written in honor of the marriage of Frank Lawler and Ann McCurdy, June 2002.
This song is meant to consider the complex interplay of love and our sense of time.
Available on EP
The lonely hours drift past like days
And sunlight drowns in shoreless haze
Till we can be
Till we can be
When you are near time disobeys
Each minute lives and dies ablaze
How urgently
They flee from me
I can run in place or feel I’m barely creeping
While the clock hands chase the hours in a whirl
Yet when I gaze on you as you lay sleeping
Each moment seems a perfect shining pearl
Our stars will cross the sky in phase
As we explore a thousand ways
And seek the key
To wander free
I'm on my knee
In hopes that we
Can oversee
Words and music ©2017
Produced by Dave Budrys at Early Recording, Evanston, IL. Dave also played bass and electric guitar lines.
Guitar: A lovely Hohner G910. Thanks to Ruth Young for lending it!
On Drums: Gerald Dowd